Tuesday, April 17, 2012


What Does Being Human Mean?
  What does being human mean that's like one of the hardest and tricky's question someone can ask because it might sound easy but when you start thinking about it it's tricky and you don't know how to answer to that and then you start saying random things. But if you really think about it and study the question you will get it. Like for me being human means that you will receive a body you may love it or hate it but it's yours to keep for the entire period, because there are a lot of people in todays world that are making face transplant or trying to change all of their body because they don't like it or they are not satisfies with it but you got to learned to live like that and accept for who you are regarless how you look and move forward with it. Another example of being human is that you got a lot of years to live and everyday you learned something and also its another day that you decide what to do. we humans have a lot of advantages of being human because we can communicate we can build things and we have a brain so we can make something out of these world. And that's something other things can't do like animals they can only live with their surroundings and what nature has provided them but we humans have a lot of tools like our hands and then the rest is up to us and what we want to make with them. Also another example of being human is to help and liked each other that's one of the biggest example that makes us human. Because in today's world there are all kinds of wars, riots and killing each other and little by little we are killing our world as well but if we acted more as human we can have a better life for us and for our generation families.

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